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It's been a long time since I blogged! Wowsers, that 2020 was a doozie, right?!?

It's amazing how many emotions you can feel during a worldwide pandemic, but lucky for us, we live in the most isolated city in the world and as such, the pain to our little business was short lived. In fact, once everyone was out of lockdown, you guys went nuts over getting your creative back on and that just made my year.

The art that our students have created in 2020 is beyond phenomenal, many artists who wanted to join our classes but have never had the chance, joined us online and thrived.

We are so excited to get back to creating in 2021, we have a new studio in Mount Hawthorn, that community has welcomed us with open arms and we have a tonne of new projects coming your way. So stick around for the ride, follow us on the socials or subscribe to our mailing list so you can see what we have coming up and do something new this year!

Happy New Year

Love Fay & the Faire Team


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